A good news is waiting for GrameenPhone users. GrameenPhone is giving a best opportunity to all the subscribers. Now a GP user is going to use Facebook without any charge. Do you know how it works? Lets introduce you with how to use GP Free Facebook Messenger, Lite app.
GP Free Facebook Offer
Facebook is the most popular social website in our country. A large number of people are using this . However, there are many people they do not use Facebook properly for high rated internet pack. In 2014, the GrameenPhone Telecommunication operator has announced that all the GP users are going to get GP Free Facebook. However, the user will not see any Picture and Videos.
Only Profile Picture will be shown in freelly. If you want to see any pictures, you have to cost for it. they are very interested to use Free Facebook. We are going to share the best method to use free Facebook.
GP Free Facebook Offer Code
It is high time to know the GP Free Facebook Offer Code. Because you must need to know the offer code to activate it. Lets show you the details.
You need to activate any GP Pack to use free Facebook. However, we recommend you to activate Pay Per Use is the best choice.
- At first, you have to dial *121#
- Then, Tap on to GP Internet Package.
- Select Pay Per Use.
- You do not have to cost for the activation.
There is an alternative way to activate this offer. Short Message Service is the best option.
- Firstly, go to your mobile message option and type
P1 and send to 5000 Number.
- Your Offer has been activated.
How to use GP Free Facebook ?
It is the best time to learn you the free Facebook Using system. Do you know that? If you have not the idea, we are here to show you.
Use GP Free Facebook Messenger
Messenger is use only for messaging with our Facebook Friends. You must need to activate GP any internet pack. Then, open the Facebook Messenger App. Now, you can use it freely. GrameenPhone is the best operator who are giving you to see any sharing Picture which is sent by your Facebook Friend without any charge.
Use GP Free Facebook Lite
People like to use Facebook Lite because the app is very fast. Now a GP user can use this app freely. At first, you need to install the app on your mobile.
- After downloading the app, you need to open it.
- Go to Setting.
- Select GP Free Facebook Mood.
- You can use freely Facebook now.
Use GP Free Facebook Opera Mini
Now you can browse Free Facebook through Opera Mini. Lets show you the full procedure.
- Open the Opera Mini App.
- Tap on the Address Bar.
- Type free.facebook.com .
- The free Facebook will come to you.
- Now use and enjoy it.
GP Free Facebook New System
On 20 July, 2022 Bangladesh Telecom Regulatory Commission has announced that any mobile operator can not serve Free Internet. In addition, GrameenPhone has closed GP Free Facebook all over the country. After the declaration, people all over the country are very interested to know the new system.
There are many Virtual Private Network VPN app which provide you to use free internet browsing. So, you can download a VPN and connected with it. However, there is a limit to use the internet. Generally,you will get 20 MB per day to use Free Facebook.
On the other hand, GrameenPhone has launched some new Facebook Offer where you can buy social pack in a cheap rate. Buy GP Social Facebok Pack and Use GP Free Facebook.